
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio

Loving Day Proclamation New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio 2017 Day of

Office of the Mayor
City of New York

Whereas: New York’s long history of adopting progressive measures that aim to end injustice has made us an epicenter of opportunity and inclusion. My administration is deeply committed to upholding this reputation by enforcing our city’s human rights law, which is one of the most comprehensive civil rights laws in the country, and advocating for fair and equal treatment for all. It is in this spirit that we join today in celebrating the 50th anniversary of Loving v. Virginia, the Supreme Court decision that legalized interracial marriage.

Whereas: In 1958, when interracial marriage was not protected under federal law and illegal in many states, Mildred and Richard Loving were arrested for getiing married. With the help of the American Civil Liberties Union, they brought their case to the Supreme Court, and in 1967 they won a landmark victory, making interracial marriage legal throughout the country. Ken Tanabe established Loving Day in 2004 as a way to commemorate this important milestone in American history, celebrate multiculturalism, and fight against racial prejudice. Every year, the Loving Day project’s dedicated volunteers encourage people around the globe to participate in this event by hosting celebrations with family and friends, on college campuses, in their communities, and more.

Whereas: I am proud to lead a city that values tolerance, justice, and equality, and recognizes just how essential our tremendous diversity is to our success. It has never been more important to highlight and preserve these ideals and ensure that no New Yorker ever faces discrimination because of their ethnicity, immigration status, gender, cultural background, or who they choose to love. Chirlane and I are proud to applaud the Loving Day project and all those participating in this year’s celebrations. Together, we are forging a stronger, more equitable future for us all.

Now therefore, I, Bill de Blasio, Mayor of the City of New York, do hereby proclaim Saturday, June 12th, 2017 in the City of New York as:

“Loving Day”

(Signed) Bill de Blasio


Recognition Date: June 12, 2017
Recognition Credit: Loving Day
City: New York
State (if in the U.S.): New York
Country: United States